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作者:mkaq 2009-03-03 03:33 來源:本站原創

Safety Management System of Decline

1、 斜井內行人不行車,行車不行人
To make sure wagon and workers mustn’t work at same time in decline.
2、 斜井提升應同時設立電鈴和電話兩套信號係統。
Bell signal systems and communication systems must be using at same time for decline hoisting system.
3、 卷揚工每班工作前應對卷揚刹車製動等安全裝置、鋼絲繩、繩頭等進行檢查,並作好卷揚運行記錄和檢查記錄,確保卷揚安全運.
Winch operator is responsible for the inspection of winch brake devices and winch rope before shift start, doing a good job in running record to make sure winch operating safely.
4、 掛鉤工負責對斜井安全設施(阻車器等)進行檢查,發現問題及時通知維修人員進行維修.
Flatman is responsible for maintaining the safety devices (brake plate etc.) in decline. If problem occurs, it must be advised maintenance man timely.
5、 礦山安全管理人員每天要對斜井進行安全檢查,檢查頂板是否安全、支護是否良好、軌道是否符合要求、地滾輪有無損壞、軌麵上礦渣是否及時清理、井筒內管線是否完好,發現問題及時處理和督促相關人員作好整改。
Safety supervisors on mine site are responsible for safe operation of man wagon, and daily inspection in decline is required, the contents should include checking out if the decline meets the requirements, the back is safe, the support is good, roller is damaged or not, to make sure dirt on the railway have been cleared up, pipelines in rise are working well. If problem occurs, it must be handled timely and supervise relevant personnel to rehabilitate it.
6、 斜井信號工要確保信號係統完好,在發送信號前,檢查礦車是否完好,掛鉤是否掛牢,確認無誤後,才能發出信號,發送信號時,務必準確、清晰。
Signal worker must make sure that bell signal system is working, check carefully if the man wagon is available, the bolt has been shut down, and signal can’t be sent until everything is normal. The bell signal must be accurate and clear.
7、 嚴禁人員搭乘礦車
It is prohibited transporting personnel by ore wagon.
8、 斜井運送物料時,務必確保所運物料捆牢放好,不致中途掉落。
In the course of delivering materials in the decline, be ensure bundled tightly, would never fall off on the half way.
9、 用礦車運送爆炸物品,必須通知卷揚工和井下摘鉤人員,爆炸物品要妥善放置,防止震動和掉落。炸藥和雷管嚴禁同車運送。運送爆炸物品的礦車應標明“爆炸品、嚴禁煙火”的標誌。卷揚速度不能超過1m/s。
Delivering explosives by ore wagon must inform winch operator and flatman in underground, and place explosives properly to prevent shaking and falling. It is prohibited delivering explosives and detonators in same wagon. The sign of “Explosives, No Smoking” must be shown on the wagon. The velocity of winch can’t overspeed in 1m/s.

10、 卷揚工、掛鉤工要經過專門培訓,經考核合格,持證上崗。
Winch operator and flatman must be special trained, qualified in assessment with compliance.

11、 信號工要確保井筒內無人,才能發送升降信號。人員通行,必須通知信號工和卷揚工。卷揚工遇有不明信號時,應電話詢問,弄清後,才能提升。
Signal worker can’t send hoisting signal until be ensure that no worker is in it. It must be advised signal worker and winch operator when personnel is passing by. When uncertain signals received, winch operator should inquire by telephone till confirmed before hoisting.
12、 卷揚運行時,井口和井底5米內嚴禁站人。
It is prohibited that person stands within 5m to portal or bottom of decline, when winch is operating.

上一篇: 某礦安全協議書




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